Well, we had our last baby shower this past weekend. Alex and I have amazing friends! Our friends threw us a total of four showers and definitely showered us with lots of fun times and needed baby gifts. I even had my entire family come in town for one of the showers and then some of them came back in town for another shower!!! It has been a fun journey and now we get to finish up Brooks' new room and prepare for his arrival.
I am 34 weeks and 3 days along today. We have another, and probably our last, sonogram coming up this Wednesday to look at Brooks' fetal growth. I look forward to seeing him again. He is still very busy in my belly which is a good sign. I am still feeling great with very little symptoms of pregnancy (besides a growing belly). My mom and I are still walking 5 1/2 miles three times a week and I get in an extra one to two walks with the dogs on the other days. Hopefully this will help my endurance during labor and delivery!
Alex is taking a guys trip to the cabin over Labor Day weekend. He is really looking forward to a fun getaway with his buddies and I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend with the pups by my parents pool! We need to enjoy our relaxing times and getaways now because we will be wishing for them when the baby comes :o)
That's it for now! Signing off...