I ran my 10th marathon, The Colorado Marathon, in Fort Collins, CO in May. It was a mostly downhill course through a canyon road along the river and finished up along a bike path into Old Town by Colorado State University campus. I met up with my college bestie and roommate, Cory, and my sister came along for the ride.
We were so excited to get back to Colorado and enjoy the cool weather and beauty of the mountains. We spent the first couple of days relaxing, shopping, eating and watching movies as to rest up for the race. We drove the course the day before to get an idea of what we had in store. You think a downhill race will be fast and easier but that ended up NOT being the case!

Race day was a beautiful morning, temperatures in the high 40's. The buses to the top of the canyon left our hotel at 4:15AM so it was an EARLY morning to say the least. I felt really good and very prepared and relaxed once the starting gun was shot. The course was absolutely gorgeous and I loved the fact that it was quiet and peaceful where we were; however, about 6 miles into the downhill race my quads were burning like they do by the end of a marathon. Going downhill with no ups to rest your quads is much tougher than I imagined. The roads were also slanted as we ran down the canyon which is hard on the legs and the knees. By mile 13.1, the halfway mark, I was running an really great pace but my legs were on fire! I was just ready to be done. I tried to just take in the scenery and experience and forget about the pain I was in. By mile 17 we reach the downhill and I had to take a much-needed walk break. I was on pace to finish with a personal best time so I tried to make my walk quick. At mile 19 there was a HUGE 1/2 mile uphill of which I walked most of. The rest of the course was along a bike path through a park with no shade and lots of sun. I was done - out of gas. I continued with a run/walk but my pace slowed tremendously and away went my personal best time. I was so ecstatic to see the finish line and tears ran down my face as I crossed in 3 hours and 58 minutes. A great time but not what I was hoping for. Cory had a rough race as well but we enjoyed it and that is what is important.

We went back to the hotel, took an ice bath, showered and headed out to our Alma Mater in Boulder as fast as we could! We spent the next couple of days shopping, driving around checking out our college hangouts, visiting our newly remodeled sorority house, Chi Omega, and eating at our favorite places including The Sink (the best pizza and atmosphere around!). We took a drive through Chataqua Park and up Flagstaff mountain. We were greeted at the top with snow and a pack of deer.

What a fun trip back to Colorado! I loved visiting with Cory and my sister and spending some quality girl time with them. I am looking forward to our next race trip together, wherever that might be :)