Monday, June 8, 2009

First Bowl of Cereal

So every morning Brooks and Alex sit together at the bar and eat Cheerios together; however, Brooks has learned how to use his spoon so well that he eats his own bowl of cereal every morning, with milk and all! This was his first time to eat it by himself. He can now hold the spoon very well and sturdy. What a big boy!!!

1 comment:

killroy6 said...

Way to go Kaiser Family! We too are a Kaiser bunch....My wife, Amy, and myself, Brian Kaiser, are raising our 3 girls and it is a blast. Trying at times, yes. But that is life. We have a 14 year old, 12, and 9. WHEW! never a dull moment. Well just wanted to say HI from Kentucky from us Kaisers!
Good luck and God Bless,
Brian Kaiser