Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ok, I know this might look like we are mean parents but it was actually really funny! Brooks got a bucket full of toys at one of the baby showers I had when I was pregnant with him. He loves to dump out the toys and play with them but this time he decided to dump out the toys, put the bucket on his head and run around between his room and the nursery. He couldn't see anything and kept running into walls. We tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen and just kept putting the bucket back on his head. We were all in tears from laughing so hard! Daddy had to stop him when he ran face first into the crib - he thought that was a good place to end the game. Ah, my genius child!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Sweet Boys

Just some sweet pictures of my sweet little boys. Brooks has decided that he likes the baby toys so he is retrying them out - so cute!

Colt's First Bath

Ah, the first bath. This is much more exciting for the parents than the child who is screaming during something that should be soothing and refreshing! Poor little Colt. He had his first bath a few days ago and Brooks watched while we explained to him that Colt was taking a bath just like he does, but it isn't as much fun when you are little :-) Colt didn't like it much but there is nothing better than the smell of a freshly washed little bundle of joy!

Hangin' At Home

We do a lot of hangin' at home right now with Colt being so young and sickness everywhere. I am constantly taking pictures around the house and thought these were some cute ones of us just 'hanging around the house.'

Big Brother Brooks

Brooks has been an amazing big brother since day one. He saw baby Colt in the hospital and his eyes lit up - it was so sweet. He is gentle, most of the time, and full of hugs and kisses every day. The first couple of days after Colt came home, Brooks' first word in the morning was, 'baby.' He is constantly checking on him, especially if he is crying, and wants to help do everything. He watches when I change his diaper and even helps me carry the dirty ones to the garbage. I hope he remains this way and the two of them are the best of friends growing up. It just melts my heart!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Colt Alden Kaiser Has Arrived

Being nervous about delivery is an understatement! I slept like a rock the night before, which was surprising, but my stomach hurt and my heart was racing the morning of the delivery. We got to the hospital at 5:30AM and they immediately put me in a room, hooked me up to monitors and started my IV. We sat in there for a while and my mom and mother-in-law showed up around 6:30AM as my c-section was scheduled for 7:30AM. I was most nervous about my epidural because the one I had with Brooks was NOT a good experience AND I was terrified of being awake during my c-section. I don't remember my c-section with Brooks because it was emergency and they knocked me out for the entire thing.

The anesthesiologist came in around 7AM to start my epidural. He was so amazing, talked to me the entire time, had a great bedside manner and it didn't hurt much at all. I was so impressed and once it was over I was a little calmer before surgery. They took me back to the operating room and starting hooking me up while I laid on the table. I asked for something to relax me (GIVE ME DRUGS!) because I was feeling a bit tense and as the medicine took effect I felt better. It turned out that in the middle of the c-section they ended up putting me under anyway because it took so long for the epidural to numb me and I was still feeling some pain. Unfortunately, I once again did not get to see my son immediately after he was born but this c-section went much more smoothly than the first!

Colt Alden Kaiser was born on Friday, January 23, 2009 at 7:57AM weighing in at 6 lbs 9 oz and measuring 19.5 inches. He is a healthy little boy and looks exactly like Brooks did when he was a newborn (but with a smaller, prettier c-section head).

This was definitely a different experience in the hospital since we didn't have the baby in the NICU. Colt got to spend time in my room during the day and into the nursery at night (except for feedings). I had friends come visit, and I actually remembered seeing them this time around!

Brooks came to visit every day. I missed him SO much while I was gone. I ended up staying for 5 days and seeing he and Colt everyday was the best part of my day.

Finally being home with my family is wonderful. My mom has been a HUGE help and I don't know what I would have done had she not been living so close. She has stayed with us almost every night since I got home. She gets up with Brooks in the mornings, feeds him breakfast and plays with him while I nurse Colt and Alex works or helps me with Colt. She also stays here with Colt sometimes so Alex and I get some alone time with Brooks. Thanks mom!

I am recovering quickly and finally got the OK from the doctor to go ahead and start walking the neighborhood...YAY! I have been dying to get out and do some exercise! No running until at least 8 weeks after surgery - only 6 weeks to go!