Sunday, February 20, 2011

40th Wedding Anniversary

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in January and my sister and I threw them a surprise party. We invited their closest friends, some of which they have known for 40 years. We had it on the roof of my sister's lofts, catered by On the Border Mexican food and their was lots and lots of beer and wine. We set out pictures around the entire room of my parents and their friends - many of which were from their wedding or pictures of them when they were in their mid-20's. They were a hoot and I think everyone enjoyed reliving the years.

It was wonderful to be with so many old friends. Many of my parent's friend's kids were there as well because growing up we were all like family. My mom's sister and one of her brother's flew in for the party which was a cherry on top of the surprise party. And, my parents were completely surprised; therefore, it was a success!

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