Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sweet & Sleepy Baby Colt

I can't seem to find time to post on our blog as much as I used to - go figure! Life is good and very busy. I forgot what it was like to live day to day as a sleep deprived mommy :-)

Colt is actually doing very well during the night. I feed him around 10PM and he sleeps until about 2:30AM and then again around 6:30AM. We swaddle him up real tight and sleep him on an incline in his bed and he is happy. The days have been a bit rough though. This one, unlike Brooks, does not like to be put down much. He can stand the swing or bouncy for a VERY short time before he cries and wants to be held. However, we have recently realized that he loves to sleep on his tummy so all his naps are on his belly. He will sleep soundly for a couple of hours like that - YAY!

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