Last Friday night Alex and I took a trip to the store and nana stayed home to watch Brooks. Brooks decided to climb and stand on his horse toy in order to reach the pinball machine - down he fell. My mom called to let me know he had fallen and was crying and complaining that his foot / knee hurt. We got home and his foot was swollen and he was crying so we decided to take him to the ER. After x-rays (and a sugar-free popsicle to make the hurt go away) the doctor didn't see any broken bones; however, he put Brooks in a splint and referred him to an orthopedic doctor. He looked so darn cute in that splint that he hated so much!
He would not walk on it and he took up crawling again. He is slowly standing up and putting pressure on his foot again. He took his first steps today and you can tell it still hurts. He looks like he did when he first learned to walk. I am looking forward to him being 100% again b/c it is really hard carrying around a 3 1/2 month old AND a 19 month old. My arms should be ripped by now!
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