Monday, November 29, 2010

Brooks' 3rd Birthday!

Wow, it has been ages since I have been on this blog and I can't believe I let it go this long. The boys are getting so big and changing so much. A lot has happened since my last post but I can't catch up from that long ago so I will start with Brooks' 3rd birthday.

I can't believe it but Brooks turned 3 this past October. We had a rough go through the 2's and when he turned three it was like a light bulb went off in his head. He all of a sudden became this big boy and changed his attitude to one where he is much easier to get along with!!! He is so super sweet, he acts like a much bigger kid and is just easier all the way around. He is even a fantastic big brother most of the time. I am really liking his age right now :-)

He had a super fun FIRETRUCK themed birthday party at a place where he and Colt were taking sports classes. Their coach hosting the party and had the kids running around, playing sports and games for about an hour. They had a blast!

After the craziness of exhausting themselves from running around, we headed to the party room for pizza and cake. We had a really cool firetruck cake and Brooks did a great job blowing out his candles.

After the party, the entire family came back to our house and Brooks opened his gifts. He got LOTS of great stuff including about 5 loud trucks. What a fun day!

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