Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holiday Decor

I am Jewish and grew up celebrating Hanukkah. Alex grew up celebrating Christmas. We decided to celebrate both holidays with the boys. Hanukkah started tonight, December 1st and the boys opened up two presents for the first night and will open one present each night thereafter for 8 nights.

The boys were super cute tonight. The boys repeated after me while we said the prayer as we light the menorah. The first present they opened was from Nana & Poppy. Brooks opened a fire truck menorah and Colt received a train menorah - they are ADORABLE! Now they have their own menorahs which is pretty cool. Then they opened a present from Alex and me. Each received a personalized book including their names and friend's names as party of the story. We read them before bed tonight.

Colt was hilarious as he ran around the house trying to sing, "Hanukkah 'O Hanukkah!" I have been singing that song to them all week and they love it. All he knows is the word Hanukkah so he just dances around and kind of sings it. Brooks sings it as well but he knows a few more words, and then he just sort of makes up others. Too funny!

Fun first night of Hanukkah!

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