Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Silly Boys!

Brooks was circling toys in a magazine with a red Sharpie (mommy's fault) and he was being so good. He then says, "Mommy look!" I turned around and he had drawn a line from the top of his head and down to his chin. He thought it was hilarious and all I could do was sigh and laugh. I googled, "How to get permanent Sharpie off skin" and found either toothpaste or makeup remover and it worked for the most part. No more Sharpies for the kiddos!

And then there is my little ham, Colt. This kid is a ham - the class clown! He is my patience-trying, ornery and aggravating child; but, I guess I said the same thing about Brooks at this age (minus the class clown). He really does make us laugh :-)

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